Sunday, May 9, 2010

Food and Drink

We don't go to church much, it's tough with Bug. And unless you have met him, and spent a day with him, you would think it was a feeble excuse but it isn't. The last time we took him, he spent the time banging anything he could find on the back of the pew, when he wasn't doing that he was arching his back trying to get away and screaming at the top of his lungs. No comments, please, about just don't let him get away with it...we have no choice about it.

SO...we take Tay to church. She has been before but for some reason, she has gone dumb about it.

We are awaiting the sacrament and she says:

Hey! We get Food and Drink.

Me: Kinda. Be quiet.

After the bread she says:

When are they bringing the drink?

Me: In a quiet.

They bring the water...she looks at it, looks at me and takes a cup...and keeps it. I, giggling, tell her to drink it and them put the empty cup back in the center part of the tray. She does it and then says:

When are they bringing the OTHER drink?

I am laughing and Nana is laughing but we tell her: They aren't...we'll discuss this later.

Tay: OK, I thought there would be more.


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